Elisabetta Prayer for Intercession
Our Mother left us with these words, ” Goodbye, beloved daughters; be generous with the Lord. I carry you all in my heart and bless you . . . we will see each other up there in heaven . . . up there .. . and from up there I will tell you again to be grateful to the Lord. Let your faithfulness be your thanksgiving, since the more you receive, the more God will ask of you.” With great confidence, we know that from up there she intercedes for us as we live out our yes each day. It is our tradition that in all our communities we pray this prayer to our foundress each day at morning prayer that she may intercede for us and continue to bless us.
Prayer of Intercession
Lord Jesus Christ, you chose Blessed Elisabetta Renzi to show the world the joy of knowing, loving, and following you. Fill my heart with a love as great as hers for all people, and with an ardent desire to proclaim everywhere the good news of salvation, so that all may come to know, love, and follow you, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Through her intercession, if it is your will, grant me the special grace that I humbly ask of you, who live and reign forever. Amen.
Providence uses weak instruments to show that the work is more divine than human. You will be amazed to see the value of our work, considering the kind of instruments the Lord uses to make his greater glory visible.
Blessed Elisabetta Renzi |